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Isa estetica plaza Italia

Hello to all beauty and wellness enthusiasts! Isabel Hulmann Polanco warmly welcomes you to her beauty institute, Isa Estética, located at Plaza Italia, in the charming enclave of Las Terrenas, Dominican Republic. With a passion deeply rooted since her youth to reveal inner and outer beauty, Isabel has dedicated her professional life to this noble art.

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Her journey in the world of aesthetics began at the prestigious International School of Aesthetics and Massages, Adage-Ylang, in Biel, Switzerland. There, she learned the most advanced techniques for caring for and beautifying the skin, body, and face, becoming an expert in the art of personal care.

isabelle in front of desk

But Isabel's quest for excellence did not stop there. Driven by her sensitivity to human interaction, fashion, and colors, she decided to broaden her horizons by studying style consultancy and personal shopping at the renowned Koloristika School in Lausanne, Switzerland. This knowledge enables her not only to enhance the outer beauty of her clients but also to help them discover their unique and personal style.

To ensure that her clients receive the best results and high-quality services, Isabel continued her training in makeup, visagism, and aesthetics, regularly participating in courses and workshops in Switzerland. Her goal is to always stay at the forefront of the latest trends and technologies in the world of beauty and wellness.

This is why she has undergone training in various state-of-the-art treatment courses, utilizing cutting-edge technologies such as high-end European and Canadian apparatus. Among her specialties are Endermologie LPG, phototherapy with Soli-Lite LED, and galvanotherapy with Hydradermi, among other innovative treatments that ensure visible and lasting results.

But her story would not be complete without mentioning the exciting chapter she begins here, in Las Terrenas, after spending 27 years in Switzerland. Returning to her beloved Dominican Republic is a dream come true, and Isabel is eternally grateful for the warm welcome she has received from this welcoming community.

She wants to express her deep gratitude to all her clients, friends, and acquaintances who have been part of her journey so far.

Their unwavering support and confidence in her have been her greatest source of inspiration, and she hopes to continue offering them the best services and care in her new home in Las Terrenas.

Isabel invites you all to come and discover the oasis of beauty and wellness that is Isa Estética. She looks forward to helping you reveal your inner and outer beauty, and to accompany you on your journey towards confidence and total well-being. See you soon!

For all your inquiry you can contact Isabel by phone or E-mail

Facebook : isa esthetica

Phone : +1 (849) 205-2571

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